Our Guideposts

An Abbreviated Statement of Faith

We believe that the Bible is the absolute authority in matters of faith and practice.

We believe…

  • That every word of Scripture is inspired
  • In one God eternally existing in three Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
  • In the creation of all things, including man, as the direct act of God
  • In eternally secure salvation by grace through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
  • In the incarnation and virgin birth of Christ, and in His bodily resurrection
  • In the personal, bodily, immanent return of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His millennial reign on earth
  • In a literal Heaven and a literal Hell, and that Satan is a fallen angelic being, able to possess the lost and oppress both the saved and the lost
  • In the bodily resurrection of the dead
  • In the autonomy of the local church, in baptism by immersion, and in the observance of the Lord’s Supper by all obedient believers
  • That personal spiritual growth comes only through learning the truth, and faithfully applying it

    We are a missionary-minded group of Bible-believing Christians striving to maintain holy and Spirit-filled lives in a world that increasingly has lost its way.

The practical outworking of our ministry is guided by specific Biblical convictions that serve as boundaries so that God’s work is done God’s way, with motives and methods that are pleasing to Him. Our guideposts are as follows:

Doctrinal purity (Titus 2:7-8)

The Bible stands as our only authoritative rule for life and belief. Therefore any error in preaching, teaching, music, associations, or programs which stray from God’s word, must not be tolerated. To maintain pure doctrine, we must earnestly contend for the faith.

Integrity in our relationships with God and Man (Mark 12:29-31)

We must give attention to the development, maintenance, and growth of our personal relationship with God and man. This process of creation and cultivation extends to our family, our church, our neighbors, and our world. We must live and exhibit God’s truth in all things while extending the grace he has lavished on us to a lost and dying world

Ecclesiastical unity centered on Scripture (Philippians 3:13-17)

While acknowledging diversity and individuality the church as a whole must be committed to unity. While exercising creativity, flexibility, and personal giftedness, we must have a common purpose in pursuit of a common goal maintaining the authority of Scripture. Although we are all different in perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences, we must strive to be single in our focus having one mind, and being in one accord.

Reproducing servant leadership (2 Timothy 2:2)

We must aspire to develop servant leadership in all areas and at all levels of ministry. A servant leader must selflessly lead under authority and accountability to Christ and His church. He must be a biblically qualified leader structured within the framework of pastoral leadership and congregational government. A servant leader must be a good steward of resources entrusted to his care including: authority, talent, opportunity, finances, and facilities.

An awareness of the centrality of the church (1 Timothy 3:15)

New Testament ministry is body ministry, accomplished in and through the body of Christ, the church. Church ministry must not be confused with church buildings, since much of our mission is actually accomplished as we are scattered within our communities.

A family emphasis (Ephesians 6:1-4)

Our church ministry must never suppress or try to replace the family. Our goal is to encourage and equip members of individual families to serve Christ within the setting of their homes, and assist them in developing holy, healthy, and happy relationships within their families. The church is not in competition with the home whether we are married or single. The two must be viewed as complementing institutions. God has not intended the church to replace the home, nor the home the church. Scripture teaches that our homes must be built around serving Christ through His church.

Financial integrity and stewardship (2 Corinthians 8:20-21)

Since we will give an account to God for what we have done with his gifts, we must be wise stewards of our finances and facilities. Care must be taken, and accountability provided for the collection, accounting, and distribution of all church receipts. Our financial dealings must reflect honesty and openness, planning for the future, emphasis on people over things, and the judicious use of debt as a tool and not a crutch.

Being in the world and not of the world (Romans 16:17)

As culture seeks to conform churches, the church must continue to be transformed by the truth of God’s word. The Bible clearly teaches separation from sin and error as an indispensable part of a holy life and ministry. God warns that sinful associations will corrupt good behavior (1 Corinthians 15:33). As we plan, prepare, and practice ministry we must avoid association with unbelieving ministers and ministries. We must also avoid ministries of fellow believers who are making moral, doctrinal, or associational compromises. By conviction we are a church that is fundamental, separatist, and Baptist. While loving all men, saved or lost, we will only participate in joint ministry with those in harmony with our moral and doctrinal convictions.

A pursuit of excellence (Colossians 3:23)

We must commit ourselves to the patient and progressive pursuit of excellence in the preparation for and the execution of ministry. Concerning ministry, we may never be the best, but our commission as believers clearly demands our best.

A heart focus (Luke 6:45)

Scripture makes it clear that the true problems of mankind are internal rather than external, matters of the heart, and not merely outward behavior. Therefore, our ministry must focus on addressing the true cause of problems rather than just treating the symptoms. The symptoms of sin must be addressed, but our priority focus must be on the weightier matters of the heart (Matt. 23:23).

Christ-like compassion (1 Peter 3:8)

As we strive to model Christ in life and ministry we must recognize that He had an uncompromising passion for the truth, but also an empathy and passion to redeem and reclaim those who did not. Jesus saw sinners as needing a Savior and suffering saints as needing a Comforter. We must never become tolerant of sin, but we must never become indifferent toward the sinner. Our ministry must reflect that we care about what Christ cared about. Certainly that includes the lost, wayward Christians, and suffering and struggling brothers. We will not confine our love to lovely people, but rather strive to reach all types, all colors, from all backgrounds, through all the world.

A fuller doctrinal statement

If you would be interested in reading a fuller doctrinal statement of the church, contact the church office by telephone or email.