Sermons and Teaching


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Even believers have times where we wrestle and wonder, “Why does evil seem to prosper and doing good get punished?” “Should I bother doing what is right?” “Is there even…
Knowing God’s majestic creation should lead us to humble recognition of His condescending (not a bad word) love. As well, knowing the glory and role He gave humanity should fill…
Heaven will be an eternally enjoyable place, but due to misunderstanding, many, even many Christians, are not that excited about it. Sadly, many bound for Hell think it will be…
Numbers does not end with Israel entering the Promised Land.  As Pastor Mollenkopf concludes his sermons Series through Numbers, he highlights Israel's final preparations, and highlights the need for us as…
Moses lists  the various places where God led Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land to give Israel confidence and courage to face their future. As Moses’ anchors them in…

Unified in Mission

February 16, 2025
As the second generation prepares to enter the Promised Land, an apparent threat of rebellion rises in Israel. Moses addresses the seemingly agitating tribes and secures from the a commitment…
This morning, Keith Pond introduces a sermon series that will be scattered throughout the year as he has opportunity to preach. Francis Schaeffer asked a question that became the title…

God’s Holy War

February 2, 2025
God sends Israel to go to war against Midian to get vengeance for their tempting Israel to sin in Numbers 25. This war not only serves God's purpose for vengeance…
It's not uncommon to hear somebody say, "I swear it's true," or they will add some other point of emphasis. They want you to know what they are saying is…

Living in Light of God

January 19, 2025
Reading through the Bible can be tough when you get to Numbers. What's the point of all of the sacrifices and feasts? We may find that we get bogged down…
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