Sermons and Teaching


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Who Am I?

January 15, 2023
Paul opens up more about who he is by telling them that he is a minister of the gospel by God’s grace, and that he is the least of all…
Paul begins to pray for them, but when he mentions his name, he pauses to explain his ministry to the Gentiles, given to him by God. This ministry led to…
Jesus has not only broken down the dividing wall of hostility between Gentile and Jew, but also He has also made us citizens in his kingdom, adopted us as his…

Waiting for Christmas

December 25, 2022
The waiting is often the hardest part of any event. How much more is the difficulty when we hope for prophecy's fulfillment? As we await the return of Jesus Christ…

Clinging to the Vine

December 18, 2022
How significant is Jesus' metaphor "I am the vine," spoken to his disciples the night before his execution? Profound then, and profound today. Keith Pond walks us through how all…
In 2:1-10 Paul showed how God’s grace reconciled us to Him. Now in verses 11 and following we are shown how that reconciliation is not only vertical but also horizontal.…

By Grace Alone

December 4, 2022
In this concise and beautiful passage Paul tells us of God’s amazing grace that we know through faith. Paul doesn't leave it there. He notes that though we are not…

The Glories of Gratitude

November 27, 2022
Thanksgiving. Parents command it of their kids (or should), and God commands it of his image-bearers. Giving thanks to the God, who has given us all things and provided salvation…
Pastor Mollenkopf highlights how Paul gives three actions (all stated in the past tense) of what God has done for us in Christ. God did this to reveal to the…
Humanity had committed treason against the living God. In truth, there was no hope. God in is righteousness sentenced Adam to death along with all of his offspring. And yet,…
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