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"I am the bread of life" would seem to be a plain-vanilla, noncontroversial declaration by Jesus Christ. It turns out the Messiah was not looking to increase the size of…
God's good timing that on Reformation Sunday, we would look at a passage that highlights the hopelessness of man apart from the finished work of Jesus Christ. Pastor Mollenkopf notes…
Paul's third prayer request for the Ephesians is for their increased knowledge, and therein is the power of God. Pastor Mollenkopf highlights how the Ephesians had seen the power of…
The author of Hebrews his readers to be on their guard that they are not led astray from a true faith like Israel was led astray in the wilderness. Saints…
Paul prayed for God to give the Ephesians spiritual knowledge to know the hope of their calling and the riches of their inheritance in the saints. Pastor Mollenkopf guides the…
Paul transitions from praise of God to prayer to God. His prayer begins with thanks for God’s work in their life and then requests that God give them spiritual illumination…
Paul rejoices that God’s great promises to Israel have now been enjoyed by the Gentiles in Christ. Believers are both God’s treasured possession, and He also promises to give us…
God the Father planned that in Christ the curse of this world, sin, would be removed. Due to Jesus making the payment for sin by His blood, we now have…
God, before time, by his sovereign and gracious choice, chose to set his love on a people whom Jesus would redeem by His blood and the Spirit would seal. This…
Paul exuberantly expounds on God’s works for us in Christ, but what is the purpose of all of these works? Paul makes clear three times that this is all “for…