Sermons and Teaching


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Achieving Success

November 21, 2021
We see two kings both seeking success but neither seeking it from God. Tragically, both serve as negative examples of how far we can fall when we define success outside…
Diotrephes' pride of wanting to be number one is a cancer to a church. So what is the alternative? John exhorts the saints to imitate the good. Keith Pond explains…
John has rejoiced greatly in Gaius living a life anchored in the Truth, exemplified in his assistance to Gospel missionaries and in the testimony of those men to Gaius faithfulness…
[This sermon was originally preached October 31st in continuation of Pastor Mollenkopf's series through First and Second Kings] One of the great Old Testament leaders and prophets, Elijah, is about…
Ahaziah tragically follows the “like father, like son” adage. Yet, his continuing in sin and seeking after other gods leads to God’s merciful judgment. But since Ahaziah won’t learn and…

Christian Cancel Culture?

October 17, 2021
When should the believer separate himself from the world? Should a believer ever separate from other Christians? When does tolerance become sin? These and other questions come to light in…

The Problem of Evil

October 10, 2021
Life is full of challenging and difficult realities. One of them is the existence of suffering and evil. Where did it come from? Is there any hope to overcome it?…

Will Justice Ever Be Served

September 26, 2021
Ahab should turn to God in his sorrow, but instead he continues to seek pleasure in this life, even if that means having to kill, steal, and destroy. Nothing escapes…

The Holy War

September 19, 2021
There is a battle against the enemy that Israel and we must undertake. For Israel this was against real flesh and blood enemies, but as Paul says, “For we do not…

Elisha: Called By God

September 12, 2021
God calls us generally to him, but also specifically to the tasks and callings he gives us. Each call has a cost, but the ultimate reward will be much greater.
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