Sermons and Teaching


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Jesus’ incarnation is celebrated worldwide, but why did he come? What were the reasons for God coming in the flesh? Hebrews 2:10-18 opens up the importance of Jesus’ incarnation, and…
God gave Mary an incredible blessing in being the one to bear the Messiah and Savior, Jesus. History has borne out how man will take one of two extremes regarding…


December 1, 2024
So much competes for our attention between Thanksgiving and Christmas. That fact is seen in that most folks see the Christmas season beginning on “Black Friday.” In times past, Advent,…
Numbers 22 has no direct mention of Israel, Moses, the Levites, or the priests, but God is still watching out and caring for His people. God knows the forces against…
After the faithless generation failed and did not enter the Promised Land, the second generation of Israelites to come out of Egypt, by God’s grace, faithfully (most of the time)…
The faithless generation's 40 years of punishment draws to an end, and God returns the next generation to Kadesh where the first rebellion occurred. How will they fair? How can…
Where are you going? God desires us to be on a straight vector to eternal life with him. One of the ways God exhorts us occurs when we come face…

Coming Clean

October 27, 2024
In order to cleanse Israel from the uncleanness that came from the death of so many in their rejection of Aaron, God provides a red heifer sacrifice. The author of…
Following God’s authentication of Aaron as the priest by having his staff produce almonds, the Israelites fear that no one can approach God. God reminds them that he set up…
A breathtaking examination of the Gospel in what most people would consider a very strange location, the book of Numbers. In what appears to be a trio of obscure stories,…