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Is obedience to God's word an Old Testament thing or does God expect his saints in Christ to obey as well? Pastor Mollenkopf vaults into this topic from a challenging…
In John's second letter, immediately after exhorting the church to continue in the glorious graces of God-- life in the word, fellowship with one another, and obedience evidence by love--John…
Many are walking away from Christian churches today, and for the saint, that can wear you down and mire you in discouragement. John realized that some would walk away, but…
For a Christian to reach out in compassion to address the problems in our nation, Progressive America will often smack them down for bringing the truth of God's word to…
Last week we saw the sad division of the kingdom due to God’s sovereign control and Rehoboam’s foolish leadership. The question before us now is how will Jeroboam respond? Will he be…
Sometimes in scrutinizing the details, we miss the big idea. Pastor Mollenkopf highlights Paul's big purpose in chapters twelve through fourteen of First Corinthians by weighing in on Paul's chief…
God’s promise to Jeroboam to be given 10 tribes of Israel comes to fruition through the folly of Rehoboam. Yet, though Rehoboam rips the kingdom apart, all goes according to…
Were the tongues at Pentecost (Acts 2) the same tongues Paul discussed to the church at Corinth (1 Corinthians 14)? Easy answers won't cut it. Pastor Mollenkopf digs into what…
Following Solomon’s sin of clinging to his wives and not God, God told Solomon that he would tear the kingdom from him. Then we read of two adversaries (Literally “Satan(s)”…
This session wraps up a study of what it meant to prophesy in the church of the first century and what it means for us today.