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Zephaniah warns Israel of the coming judgment of God, but also tells them of hope if they will seek the Lord.
As with all of the spiritual gifts, much confusion exists in the church regarding the gift of prophecy. What is it? Is it different today than it was during the…
Marriage. Is it about the husband finding himself? Is it about the wife finding fulfillment? Or is it something much, much bigger? Pastor Jeremy Mollenkopf walks the saints through the…
Love bears all things? Believes all things? Hopes all things? Pulling things out of context is ALWAYS a dangerous thing, so what do these exhortations mean for us in light…
Should pastors preach about sex? Absolutely. God gave us a wonderful gift in romance, sex, and marriage. Yet, we have taken this good gift of God and twisted it, even…
Isn't 1 Corinthians 13 the chapter about marriage? Well, it's read a lot at weddings, and it does say a lot about love, but as Pastor Jeremy Mollenkopf points out…
Western culture has rejected God's design for marriage and the relationship between a husband and his wife. Is Scripture out-dated? Did mean for his word to be adapted to new…
In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul highlights two extremes in the church, the saint who feels he has no place and the saint who feels he owns the place. Where's the…
How much can be packed into one half of one verse? Plenty. Especially when it's the Gospel. And it's the morning we celebrate the Resurrection.
Pastor Jeremy Mollenkopf notes, "Though Solomon served and loved God for many years, his heart was turned from God by the many wives he loved. How could this happen? We…