Sermons and Teaching


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How do I get up each morning ready to persevere in my Christian life? Tracy Pond explains in Session 3 of the 2021 WFBC Women's Retreat at the Riverbend Conference…
Tracy Pond continues unpacking the importance of "running the race" by understanding our motivation to persevere.
What does it require for us to finish the race of this life well? Tracy Pond opens up God's word to encourage and exhort women to persevere.

Going Forward

February 28, 2021
Keith Pond concludes this six-month look at the opening chapters of Genesis and recaps the magnitude of their implications for humanity in understanding who we are and where we are…

The Flood to Babel

February 21, 2021
The world changed when Noah stepped off of the ark, and God did not leave the man and his family without guidance. Not long after the greatest catastrophe the Earth…

Pleading With God

February 21, 2021
Solomon continues his prayer at the dedication of the temple, and he now turns with 7 different requests.  He calls out for God help in numerous circumstances ranging from issues of justice to deliverance from sin, including the whole nation to individual foreigners.
Why the Flood, what happened during the Flood, and what does it matter?

What IS Truth?

February 7, 2021
Keith Pond begins a sermon series of the "Little Johns," the epistlettes of 2 & 3 John that will run throughout the year as I have opportunity to preach. It began as four messages, but with comprehending the weight of truth in our lives, it will take at least five. This week provides an introductory look 2 John and examines the importance of truth in the fullness of God's word and when comprehending reality.
Coming out of the Garden and moving away from the Fall of Man, we see the consequences of sin in the world, and despite all of that God's lavish grace is on display for all to see.
God desires to dwell with us, and the temple gives us pictures of what that looks like. 
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