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Genesis 1:5-26
To exalt God we must listen, praise, and then act. If you remove any of those three are exaltation is deficient.
Two followers of Jesus (though not any of the 11 apostles) leave Jerusalem to walk to Emmaus. While discussing the various events surrounding Jesus’ last few days, Jesus comes up to them and begins talking with them. Their eyes are kept from recognizing Him, and as the story goes they move in their understanding (“sight”) of who Jesus is.
Jesus is clearly shown to be dead and buried. Though the four gospels do not always recording all that Jesus’ did, each one of them records His death and burial. As well, they each tell of Sunday morning and the rolled away stone, empty tomb, and visit of angels to the women. The response is not immediately believed by the disciples though, but rather they doubt it and consider it claims of nonsense.
The theme here is that Jesus was forsaken so that we might be accepted. Darkness is over the land for three hours and the veil of the temple is torn in two. The Centurion confesses that Jesus truly was the son of God, and Jesus commits Himself into His Father’s hands.
Romans 13:1-7
Each of these three sections are unique (at least in specifics) to Luke’s gospel. In the first, Jesus pauses on his journey to the cross (via dolorosa) to tell the women of Jerusalem to stop weeping for Him, but instead to weep for themselves. It is a striking story not told in the other gospels. Jesus then calls on God to forgive those who are sinning against Him. Third, one of the men on the cross cries to Jesus for salvation, and Jesus says, “Today you will see me in paradise."
The two main themes are (1) Jesus was declared to be innocent over and over, but He still died because He was a substitute for us. (2) Pilate ultimately caved because, though he knew the truth, he loved his power and position more than God.
Jesus endures betrayal, mocking, and a kangaroo court trial. In this we see Jesus suffering with and for us, his prophetic nature, and His divine sacrifice.