Sermons and Teaching


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Paul tells parents in Ephesians 6:4 that one of their main callings from God is to instruct their children. Jeremy Mollenkopf looks at Deuteronomy 6 and other passages to see…
No parent enjoys or relishes it, but every loving parent must discipline their children. But what does this look like? How do we do this? And why would we do…
How important is word of God in the life of the Christian? It is essential. It is as oil is to an engine. It is food to the body. Psalm…
We are familiar with the story of Jesus’ birth, but do we know it? Can we share it with others? We ask seven questions of Luke’s account to learn how…
Mary responds to all that Gabriel, Elizabeth, and John (in the womb) have said and done about her child in one of the greatest songs of praise to God in…
A virgin? With child? "You don't really believe that, do you?" Absolutely, we do. The God who spoke the world into existence with a word and no sweat would have…
God calls parents to reflect Him to the their children. This high calling is difficult but rewarding. Pastor Mollenkopf begins a look at how God’s word instructs parents to do…
Being followers of Christ ought to change the way we relate to our parents. We should not only obey, but also honor them in the Lord. If we do this,…
One of the most difficult issues in life is dealing with divorce. Churches can take two wrong tacks with divorce. They can state that it is an act worthy of…
God ordains that in singleness and in marriage, he can be glorified and honored. Throughout time, Christians have thought that either the single or the married life was more holy,…
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