Being followers of Christ ought to change the way we relate to our parents. We should not only obey, but also honor them in the Lord. If we do this,…
One of the most difficult issues in life is dealing with divorce. Churches can take two wrong tacks with divorce. They can state that it is an act worthy of…
God ordains that in singleness and in marriage, he can be glorified and honored. Throughout time, Christians have thought that either the single or the married life was more holy,…
Just as Jesus’ love is sacrificial, unconditional, and sanctifying so a husband's love for his wife should be too. A husband has the joy of reflecting Christ in nourishing and…
Jesus calls all his disciples not not live a life of fretful worry, but rather that they live a life of firm faith fixed on God. In His well known…
God made men and women in His image, equal in worth but differing in roles. Sin has distorted and twisted the marriage relationship, but God’s salvation should restore husband and…
Marriage is one of God’s greatest gifts, but one that now many are choosing to not pursue. God’s word reminds of what He intended for marriage and how rightly understood…
Being filled with the Spirit is not some mystical, esoteric, uncontrollable experience. Rather, we are given three ways of living under the influence (and being filled by) the Spirit: singing…
The Ephesian culture was known for their drunken, wild “worship” of Bacchus. Paul wants them no longer to be controlled by alcohol which has led to the debauched living of…
God had given us great freedom to decide many options in life. Our role is to pursue God first, search his word, pray, and with godly counsel act. Pastor Mollenkopf…