Who Am I?

January 15, 2023
Paul opens up more about who he is by telling them that he is a minister of the gospel by God’s grace, and that he is the least of all…

Waiting for Christmas

December 25, 2022
The waiting is often the hardest part of any event. How much more is the difficulty when we hope for prophecy's fulfillment? As we await the return of Jesus Christ…

By Grace Alone

December 4, 2022
In this concise and beautiful passage Paul tells us of God’s amazing grace that we know through faith. Paul doesn't leave it there. He notes that though we are not…

Understanding Our Condition

October 30, 2022
God's good timing that on Reformation Sunday, we would look at a passage that highlights the hopelessness of man apart from the finished work of Jesus Christ. Pastor Mollenkopf notes…
Paul's third prayer request for the Ephesians is for their increased knowledge, and therein is the power of God.  Pastor Mollenkopf highlights how the Ephesians had seen the power of…