God calls us generally to him, but also specifically to the tasks and callings he gives us. Each call has a cost, but the ultimate reward will be much greater.
When Elijah despaired and asked God to take his life, God cared for him physically. Yet, God then also renewed Elijah’s mind and revived his spirit. All three elements of…
In this sin cursed world mourning is normal, but one day it will be removed. Sometimes our mourning is not temporary, but lasting and debilitating. What do we do? We…
For us to know, love, and obey God, we must know both the Old and the New Testament. All of it reveals God and His unfolding, redeeming plan for the…
Elijah’s “sight” moves from God to Jezebel and rather than continuing with confidence, he flees with fear. He thought Carmel would be the ushering in of God’s kingdom, but God…
This well known story calls us to be faithful to God knowing that He will be victorious. We may appear to be on “the wrong side of history,” but that…
Ahab may have turned from God’s word, but God calls him back through the prophetElijah. Yet, while Elijah begins his ministry with a call of God’s judgment for Israel's sin,…
Pastor Mollenkopf notes that looking at six kings of Israel may seem tedious and boring, but those kings highlight important truths to us. First, God’s promised judgment will come. Second,…
The narrative in Kings--the actual historic narrative--now returns from following Jeroboam in the north (Israel) to discussing the next three kings of Judah in the south. Tragically, the first two…
The story took a slight deviation away from Jeroboam to tell of a prophet who, though faithful to rebuke Jeroboam for failing to obey God’s word, failed to obey God’s…