A major aspect of God’s requirements for Israel to dwell with Him was maintaining a clean (vs. unclean) status. Why was this important to God? Have those requirements vanished since…
The American way of religion is like a buffet; we think that WE can pick and choose how we worship God. God, on the other hand, notes that his creatures…
God demanded all Israel’s firstborn males be his since the first Passover, but God provided the Levites (or 5 shekels per person) as a redemption for each of the first…
What does the ordering of the Israelite camp in the book of Numbers have to do with living a life for Christ in the twenty-first century? God desires for His…
The fourth book in the Bible, Numbers, begins with Israel on the cusp of entering the land Promised to Abraham centuries earlier. While Israel is close, they are not there…