God’s Just Judgment

April 24, 2022
The long forestalled punishment of God upon Israel now occurs. The author leaves no question as to why God’s judgment came though. He clearly lays out the reason, the punishment,…

I Know My Redeemer Lives

April 17, 2022
In 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 that Jesus was crucified in accordance with the Scriptures and that he was raised in accordance with the Scriptures. Pastor Mollenkopf looks that three passages from…
In today's passage, we encounter two kings from Judah and five from Israel.  Yet, in general, though we are talking about kings of nations, we find it boring.  This raises…

Unless You Repent

March 27, 2022
Amaziah begins as a faithful king, submitting to God’s word even in the midst of challenging circumstances. Yet, after a miraculous victory, he tragically turns to idolatry, and he refuses…

Rumors of War

March 13, 2022
Russia in the Ukraine. Iran getting itchy for nuclear weapons. North Korea testing ballistic missiles. China leering at Taiwan. We are living in a time of international turmoil, and many…