A big fish story of epic proportions. Keith Pond explains why Jonah's experience happened in space/time history, and how the lessons of the wayward prophet reach across the millennia to…
An inescapable fact from God's word is that he is sovereign amidst disease, disaster, and even death, and through and amid those dark nights of the soul his good purposes…
Keith Pond begins a five-week look at the book of Jonah opening up with two instances of treasonous rebellion, that of a pagan city, Nineveh, and that of a rebellious…
Josiah’s 31 years where he righteously reigned give way to less than 23 years in which Judah collapses. Their sin is too great, and God brings the judgment that He…
Josiah’s life and reign is guided, directed, and ruled by the word of God. He so faithfully adheres to it and leads reform because of it that the author says…
Josiah begins to reign at age 8 and his whole reign is known for spiritual reformation. He pursued what mattered to God, and when he heard God’s word, he wept.…
Where is God when his people act with contempt for his laws and his place in their lives? Pastor Mollenkopf examines the tragic life and reign of Manasseh, King of…
One of the most compelling metaphors that Jesus uses to describe himself is that of the Good Shepherd. Keith Pond examines that imagery in this mornings message from John 10.
Saint, are you in or are you out? In John 10:10, Jesus explains that he alone is the door into the sheepfold, the only entry into the Church and into…
Hezekiah (at age 39) cries out to God when Isaiah tells him that he will soon die. God graciously extends his life. Yet, rather than praising God, he then uses…