Life is full of challenging and difficult realities. One of them is the existence of suffering and evil. Where did it come from? Is there any hope to overcome it?…
Ahab should turn to God in his sorrow, but instead he continues to seek pleasure in this life, even if that means having to kill, steal, and destroy. Nothing escapes…
There is a battle against the enemy that Israel and we must undertake. For Israel this was against real flesh and blood enemies, but as Paul says, “For we do not…
God calls us generally to him, but also specifically to the tasks and callings he gives us. Each call has a cost, but the ultimate reward will be much greater.
When Elijah despaired and asked God to take his life, God cared for him physically. Yet, God then also renewed Elijah’s mind and revived his spirit. All three elements of…
In this sin cursed world mourning is normal, but one day it will be removed. Sometimes our mourning is not temporary, but lasting and debilitating. What do we do? We…
For us to know, love, and obey God, we must know both the Old and the New Testament. All of it reveals God and His unfolding, redeeming plan for the…
Keith Pond continues his sermons series through the "Little Johns," delving into John's final epistle, a letter to the beloved Gaius. In eight short verses we see the expression of…
Elijah’s “sight” moves from God to Jezebel and rather than continuing with confidence, he flees with fear. He thought Carmel would be the ushering in of God’s kingdom, but God…
Some Jewish believers in Galatia have found hope in the gospel, but they say that all Christians (even Gentiles) must follow the Mosaic law to be pleasing to God. Paul makes clear…