Jesus. We are almost at 1 Kings 11:9 which reads, “And the LORD was angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the LORD the God of Israel.” When did that turning begin?…
Solomon wraps up the dedicatory prayer for the temple, and he now praises God for how he established them and the temple. This follows with sacrifices, and then God appears to Solomon a second time promising blessing for obedience and cursing for disobedience.
Solomon continues his prayer at the dedication of the temple, and he now turns with 7 different requests. He calls out for God help in numerous circumstances ranging from issues of justice to deliverance from sin, including the whole nation to individual foreigners.
Keith Pond begins a sermon series of the "Little Johns," the epistlettes of 2 & 3 John that will run throughout the year as I have opportunity to preach. It began as four messages, but with comprehending the weight of truth in our lives, it will take at least five. This week provides an introductory look 2 John and examines the importance of truth in the fullness of God's word and when comprehending reality.
God desires to dwell with us, and the temple gives us pictures of what that looks like.
1 Kings 7 makes an unexpected departure from discussing the temple being built to Solomon spending more time on his own house. It then goes back to describing the temple…
The construction descriptions of the house of the Lord are not just giving us details about how it was built and with what materials. More than that, they give us pictures of what God is like, and how we should respond to Him.
Solomon continues the relationship with Hiram of Tye that David his father began. Not only does he continue the relationship, but he uses it wisely to procure beautiful objects for the temple.
Solomon’s prayer for wisdom was clearly answered by his dealings with the case of the child of the two prostitutes. The author continues to expound on Solomon’s wisdom by showing its national and even international scope.
Romans 12:9-14