In this passage, Jesus deals with the religious leaders' anger and annoyance that He eats with tax collectors and sinners by telling three parables. Each parable deals with something being lost, hunted for, and then found with joy and celebration. However, in verses 11-32, the focus not only rests on on the prodigal but on the elder son in verses 25-32. Rather than rejoicing, he is bitter and angry that the Father has allowed the prodigal to return home.

God’s Feast

November 17, 2019
Jesus is at a feast with the religious authorities, and there have been some awkward silences due to Jesus condemnations of them. Then after another one, a man shouts out “Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God!” Jesus then gives a story that shows that not all who think they will be there will be, but in fact many they assumed never will be there are invited and come.