Jesus just finished telling of His coming death, and the disciples respond by arguing about who is the greatest. Jesus teaches them about this and warns of coming falling away and persecution.
Judas agrees to betray Jesus, and Jesus celebrates the Passover with His disciples. He not only celebrates though, He shows them how it points to him.
Understanding Jesus two baptisms (water and then the cross) helps us understand baptism.
Jesus moves from discussing the destruction of Jerusalem to His final return. However, when He returns there will be mixed response with some falling in terror and others worshiping. We should not be caught off guard, though, for like trees when these events happen we should know the end is near. Thus, we should constantly stay alert and ready for His return.
As Jesus and the disciples leave the temple (after a day of teaching and confronting the religious leaders), the disciples marvel at the beauty of the temple. Jesus then uses this to warn of the coming judgment upon Israel and teach three important things about that time and the future.
Jesus goes on the offensive, and warns of the Fake spirituality/religion of the religious leaders. Specifically, true spirituality believes Jesus' unique nature. It focuses not on one’s self, but on how one can give themselves in the service of others and God.
Jesus gets attacked with questions two more times. The first revolves around whether they should pay taxes to Caesar, but Jesus turns it around to say that really we owe God our lives. Then they ask about the resurrection, and Jesus shows our greatest hope is nothing here but what is to come.
The week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion is filled with conflict, teaching, and warning. It begins with Jesus cleansing the temple. This then leads the religious leaders to question what gives Him the right to do this, and Jesus then warning of their rejection. This will not alter God’s plan, but it will mean their destruction.
Bible Text: Lamentations 3:37-42 | Preacher: Keith Pond | Series: General Sermons | Lamentations 3:37-42
Jesus knows that as He approaches Jerusalem they are expecting Him to restore the Kingdom, and thus He gives this parable to let them know He will leave and come back. During the time in-between, they must continue to work as His servants and stewards.