To honor God we must know what He wishes us to do. Sadly, Christians are often very confused by this topic, but God’s word shows us how to live so…
Paul calls us to walk carefully, and then he gives three areas in which to do this. First, we are to walk wisely in regard to our time. We only…
Apart from God's word, man has no way to understand his place in the cosmos. In God's word, man's significance is made clear. God declares that he has created us…
Jesus saved us out of darkness and called us into His marvelous light. We should then live in that light and delight in that light. Our former activities in the…
Paul turns from the self-sacrificing love we are to have for one another and calls us to put off self-focused sexual sins and greed. The way to do this is…
Doing what is right is not tied to some abstract moral code. Rather, it is learning to know and live like God. We do this not to become the children…
Who am I? If I am created by the living God, I cannot know or even begin to remotely fathom who I am unless he makes it plain to me.…
Most folks would really love the other people in their lives to be forgiving, but when it comes to their own conduct, those same folks find it really hard to…
How is it that God's justice and that he has justified us in Christ Jesus serve as an anchor point to sustain us in this life? Our sin and the…
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and God has saved us and is re-creating us to speak like Him. When we do, we build up the…