Pastor Mollenkopf concludes his series through Paul's letter to the Ephesians by looking at the apostle's final encouragements, encouragements found at the start of the letter, and encouragements that find…

By Grace Alone

December 4, 2022
In this concise and beautiful passage Paul tells us of God’s amazing grace that we know through faith. Paul doesn't leave it there. He notes that though we are not…

Understanding Our Condition

October 30, 2022
God's good timing that on Reformation Sunday, we would look at a passage that highlights the hopelessness of man apart from the finished work of Jesus Christ. Pastor Mollenkopf notes…

The Gathering Storm

February 13, 2022
God promised in 1 Kings 19 that he would punish the house of Israel through Elisha, Hazael, and Jehu.  We have not heard anything in 10 chapters about this, but…

Crucial Contrasts, II

January 16, 2022
Who knew that a pagan general being cleansed of leprosy could yield such glories for the living God? Well, God knew. Pastor Mollenkopf examines four more powerful contrasts in this…