How significant is Jesus' metaphor "I am the vine," spoken to his disciples the night before his execution? Profound then, and profound today. Keith Pond walks us through how all…
"I am the bread of life" would seem to be a plain-vanilla, noncontroversial declaration by Jesus Christ. It turns out the Messiah was not looking to increase the size of…
An inescapable fact from God's word is that he is sovereign amidst disease, disaster, and even death, and through and amid those dark nights of the soul his good purposes…
Keith Pond begins a five-week look at the book of Jonah opening up with two instances of treasonous rebellion, that of a pagan city, Nineveh, and that of a rebellious…
One of the most compelling metaphors that Jesus uses to describe himself is that of the Good Shepherd. Keith Pond examines that imagery in this mornings message from John 10.
We see two kings both seeking success but neither seeking it from God. Tragically, both serve as negative examples of how far we can fall when we define success outside…
Ahaziah tragically follows the “like father, like son” adage. Yet, his continuing in sin and seeking after other gods leads to God’s merciful judgment. But since Ahaziah won’t learn and…
This well known story calls us to be faithful to God knowing that He will be victorious. We may appear to be on “the wrong side of history,” but that…
Pastor Mollenkopf notes that looking at six kings of Israel may seem tedious and boring, but those kings highlight important truths to us. First, God’s promised judgment will come. Second,…
The narrative in Kings--the actual historic narrative--now returns from following Jeroboam in the north (Israel) to discussing the next three kings of Judah in the south. Tragically, the first two…